Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation

Contact details and registration history for the Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation.

Application received

  • 24 February 2017

Council decisions about Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation

  • Appointed for part of its application area on 19 July 2017
  • Declined for part of its application area 19 July 2017
  • Registered boundary varied on 1 July 2021

Registered Aboriginal Party boundaries

Download a map showing the boundaries for Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation:

Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation boundaries
PDF 20.01 MB
(opens in a new window)

You can also view an online map(opens in a new window) showing all Registered Aboriginal Party boundaries in Victoria. The map works best in Chrome.

Once the online map is displayed:

  1. Click the Layers icon on the toolbar above the map
  2. Select the Appointed RAPs checkbox 


Email: admin@bunuronglc.org.au

Location: 336–340 Nepean Highway, Frankston Victoria 3199

Phone: 03 9770 1273

Website: bunuronglc.org(opens in a new window)

CEO – Jody Irwin

Email: ceo@bunuronglc.org.au

Cultural Heritage Manager

Email: submissions@bunuronglc.org.au

General Enquiries

Email: admin@bunuronglc.org.au

Council decisions about Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation

BLCAC RAP Appointment Reasons for Decision 2017
PDF 414.43 KB
(opens in a new window)
BLCAC RAP Appointment Update 2017
PDF 308.6 KB
(opens in a new window)
Proposal to vary registration of Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation 070621
PDF 631.57 KB
(opens in a new window)
